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       Merry Hearts adopted the orphanage, God Bless the Children, in Guatemala City back in 2008.  God Bless the Children currently has 24 children ranging from infants to 15 years old. Our Amazing friend of 15 years, Cynthia, and her husband David run the home. Cynthia was previously an attorney helping families to adopt from Guatemala. Unfortunately in 2007 adoptions from Guatemala were stopped.  Cynthia responded by caring for the needs of the children that are no longer able to be adopted, except by other Guatemalans which rarely happens.             


      There are many needs at the orphanage and if you would like to help with a specific need, you may call me and we can talk about such need; even if it is as simple as $50 dollars to send the kids to McDonald's (they like Pollo Campero). Donations of any amount are appreciated!               

   Our Mission:         To put a smile       on people's hearts,      even if it's only      for a day!

Water Wells

​I (Thomas) just returned from my 24th trip to Guatemala in December where we are almost done building another Chruch and beginning another Water Well  in the hillside village of Rodeo de Jalapa, a 4 hour drive east Guatemala City. Merry Hearts built its 1st well in late 2017 in the village of Rodeo.  I went in November 2017 with Merry Hearts board members Roy Anderson and Ben Payne and engineer, Joe Latos joined the trip.  Joe was able to give the well 2 thumbs up and give us a certificate, certifying the well as a clean well. Joe was very impressed with the construction of the well, especially with no formal training on water well construction.  Joe couldn't believe how Gilberto, our "Water Well Whisperer" as we call him, could have been self taught in all phases of the well; from knowing where to find water, digging the well safely, to the concrete work. What we are most excited about is that we employed and empowered the local people to do it themselves. The local men dug the well by hand with picks and shovels, 45 feet deep.  Joe was shocked that this quality of work was done for less $1,000.  Joe would have charged at least $20,000 to build the well, but closer to $25,000 because of its location, the middle of no where. I must admit, it is very humbling to see people get this excited over water, but it is truly an honor to help them get it. If you would like to help, let us know.

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